Finally, it’s Christmas time!
Though the COVID-19 has made life uneasy in many ways, everyone can still enjoy Christmas and winter holidays. Of course, the spooky rise of infection rate and death tolls during fall time was enough for not to be happy or stay mentally stable for some. This doesn’t mean one should strike off celebrating holidays from the to-do list. Having fun to ward off stress is crucial for the immune system to remain intact and work as it should. And trust me, because your body needs that.
All you need to do is to keep following the safety precautions you hear everywhere. Don’t get bored of following the precautions, they are the best chance for survival and beating the COVID-19 pandemic for good. Always put into action the 4 main rules you memorize: wash your hands with water and soap, put on the face mask, always have the hand sanitizer in your pocket, and maintain the social distancing. No need for large gatherings, especially the in-door ones that are very unrecommended. A small family dinner party? It’s doable!
→ 6 Hygiene Habits to maintain Body and Dental Hygiene [Infographic]

Ideas for celebrating COVID-19 Christmas
Options for Scenario A (Home Alone)
Indeed, many people will be celebrating Christmas alone this year. But, that is not the end of the world and you can celebrate by yourself the magical season. First of all, have a warm relaxing shower and wear your cozy pajamas. Decorate your Christmas tree if workable to get one and hang on the shining lights and crystals nearby your fireplace. Then, cook a festive meal. Now you are ready to start the night right.
→ 30+ Christmas Turkey Recipes for a Holiday Feast
1. Movie Night
If you are so much into watching movies, it’s okay to watch as many movies as you want in a row. I know you will remember to grab your popcorn bowel after having your warm meal and favorite drink.
→ Best Christmas movies according to IMDB, Rotten tomatoes, and Metacritic
2. Read a book
Pick up a book and kick off the amusement. Whatever kind of books you like to read most, go for that and you will have a quiet yet amazing time. Don’t forget to play off some chilling music to level up your dopamine even more.
A new study has found that dopamine — a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in our cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning — plays a direct role in the reward experience induced by music.
3. Buy yourself a gift
If you do not care for yourself while being away from your family, who will? right? You deserve to be happy, the coronavirus disease has already made life a tough year. Buy yourself a special gift as a reward for yourself, yeah, it’s a real thing to reward yourself and that’s another way to push up the dopamine in your body’s main console center during the COVID-19 Christmas.
→ 10 stunning facts about the human brain proving how super-duper it is

4. Virtual Christmas party
Although you are alone, you could organize a virtual Christmas party with your loved ones. Send them online invitation cards along with all the details of the party. Start with your favorite games, singing, and dancing. All invitees can bring their cocktails and food, making you all still feel the holidays vibe, even if it’s only online. What’s the benefit of tech and social media if you do not make use of it during such times?
Things to know before holding a family gathering and how to do it right
The COVID-19 Christmas is like no other Christmas before, it’s critical to make clear the musts for this scenario because safety comes first.
Safety ‘on the go’ tip by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):
The safest way to celebrate the winter holidays is at home with the people who live with you.
→ CDC recent guidelines for winter holidays.
How does COVID-19 spread between people? (According to the WHO)
COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which spreads between people when an infected person is in close contact with another person.
Current evidence suggests that the main way the virus spreads is by respiratory droplets among people who are in close contact (less than 1 meter apart) with each other. Via droplets, the virus gets into the mouth, nose, or eyes.
The virus can also spread after infected people sneeze, cough on, or touch surfaces, or objects, such as tables, doorknobs, and handrails. Other people may become infected by touching these contaminated surfaces, then touching their eyes, noses, or mouths without having cleaned their hands first.
Indoor, crowded, and inadequately ventilated spaces, elevate the risk of infection.
→ Advice for the public by WHO

Because indoor gatherings pose more risk than outdoor gatherings, consider hosting Christmas outdoors. If you can’t host outside, choose a well-ventilated space, or open windows and doors as much as possible. If it is not possible to provide any of the previously mentioned options, no need for the Christmas party to be held and it’s okay to postpone the family gathering. The COVID-19 is still here.
Please make sure your guests, most particularly the kids, are aware of the precautions to ensure more safety. The more details you can provide upfront, the better, so guests will know what to expect when they arrive. In conclusion, the extra cleaning and sanitizing of the place are worth it.
General Safety Precautions
1. Skip the hugging part. You may do the elbow bumps instead.
2. Greet one another whilst putting on the face mask and keeping a distance (not less than 3 feet).
3. Disinfect the surfaces and limit the probability of touching them.
4. Urge the guests not to touch the surfaces because everyone can lean on them involuntarily.
5. Separate personal items like coats, keys, etc.
6. Spread the sitting spots right to make it easy for guests to social distance.
7. Leave hand sanitizers (70% alcohol) here and there inside the house and at the entrances and exits will help.
8. Make sure of the ease of access to water and soap and disposable paper towels for everyone.
9. Have extras of face masks and thank me subsequently.
10. Do not make the gathering last for too long.
11. Do not do a family gathering if you have an immunocompromised person at home because family members are a priority as well.
12. Hypermobility is unnecessary, specifically for kids.

Food and drink safety
1. Do not pass around the condiments. Use the condiment, spices, and seasoning sachets. Choose one person to distribute the sachets.
2. Encourage everyone to wash their hands before and after they eat.
3. Instead of the serve-yourself way; potlucks, and buffet-style parties, provide individual servings with disposable tableware. Select one person to handle and serve food for each meal.
4. Serve drinks in festive flasks (or ask guests to bring their own).
→ Stay healthy and in shape during the holiday season
Options for Scenario B (The Family gathering)
Lucky you, it is possible to have your loved ones by your side nowadays. Make the most out of the gathering opportunity without jeopardizing one another. There are plenty of options to spend holiday time together.
→ Why social distancing is important?
Keeping the right distance is essential to guarantee maximum possible safety, and by the distance, I mean that afterward the welcoming and so, you will spread as much as possible throughout the house in small groups according to how you want to spend the night, watching movies, etc. Now that you already have the decorations and lights, you can do any or some of the following:
1. Movies Night
That is one of the best options which works under all circumstances.
2. Santa surprise for the Kids
Yet, you can make an online Santa surprise for your kids as a ‘ZOOM‘ call. Because meeting Santa is magic for children and brings about joy for them, fulfill that wish for your kid using services that are offering Zoom calls with Santa to make Christmas merrier for your children during the hard times.
3. Exchange gifts
This has been a tradition for like forever and indeed, it’s a great way to express your love and appreciation to your family and friends.
4. Bake the family’s and kids’ favorite cake and cookies
Instead of buying a cake, prepare one at home, it’s more engaging, bonds you all together stronger, and spreads about happiness.
5. Bonfire party
A family bonfire party in the house backyard is so much fun and breaks the boredom while having warming foods and drinks. Meanwhile, you will stay warm from the inside out with hot cocoa, hot toddies, warm soup, fresh baked goods, or roasted chestnuts.
6. The Game Night
An online game you can play together with family and friends will work for the lone scenario and a family gathering during the COVID-19 Christmas.
Last but not least
Whether you were blessed to have your loved ones by your side to celebrate together or had to spend the Christmas time alone, be happy. The rough times won’t last forever.
At the end of the night count the blessings in your life and be thankful to God because having a great night with a full stomach, and being in good health and safety is worth the whole universe.

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