Calorie (Cal) or kilogram calorie, is the unit of energy found in foods and drinks. During metabolism, the body converts the calories into the energy it can use. This helps the body systems and organs to work and develop properly, in addition to increasing physical endurance.
Why are the Calories significant?
The body needs a basic number of calories for running processes and extra units for movement and thinking. The body processes include, but not limited to, heart-pumping, stomach digestion, and respiration. That is the number of calorie units you would burn if you were asleep the whole day.
The basic need for calorie units, or the basal metabolic rate, varies from one person to another. It is influenced by age, gender, and physical activity level. Men, in general, need more calories than do women, and those who exercise need more calories than others who do not. The average man needs around 2500 calorie units each day, whereas, the average woman needs around 2000 units.
• Healthy Eating: What to Eat and What to keep away from?
Weight Control according to Calorie units
The proportion of the calorie intake to the calorie units you burn leads to gaining or losing weight. The more you eat, especially fatty foods and carbs, the more calories your body will have. Sooner you will gain weight and thus, become obese. Although you can’t control the basal metabolic rate, you have full control over your intake. Eating before sleeping is as bad as hell. During sleep, the body converts calories into fats and then store them.
• Top 10 Foods Highest in Calorie content.
The weight loss works through making a gap between what you eat and what you burn. Burning calorie units will be easier through doing activities like jogging, working out, or even walking. Besides, without a good diet, the body is vulnerable to fatigue, diseases, and impaired growth. A balanced diet includes veggies, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats. Consider minimizing the sugary drinks, it matters as well.
Serious seekers of getting fit always watch out the calorie count of their meals. It’s logical and practical to lose or maintain the weight that way because there is no chance for surprises. Implementing this method sticks you to eating foods with benefits and makes the bodyweight stable.
Losing 0.45 kilograms/1 Pound of weight is equal to burning 3500 calories more than your body intake. To achieve that in one week, you should cut off 500 calorie units every day. Make up your own plan to lose weight or otherwise, maintain your current weight.
Use these tools:
1. to calculate your basal metabolic rate and daily calorie needs.
2. Calorie counter for foods and drinks.
• How Many Calories Will I Lose by Exercising for 30 Minutes?.
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